
产品名称: 车厢板设备








  来到花果山的山门之前,便可见身边处处都是形态各异的石猴;抬头可见暗红色的山门上三个烫金大字:“花果山”,字体潇洒气派。透过山门向内望去,只见门框如画框,而门内群山如画、巍峨起伏。群山郁郁葱葱,透露出浓浓的春意和无限的生机。进入山门,我便急不可耐地向顶峰——玉女峰攀登。登顶之后向山下望去,清晨的山雾还未完全退去,山下万物身处云蒸霞蔚之中,让人看来又生一种别样的感觉。在峰顶徘徊,不时会跑来几只小猴,那憨态可掬的神态样貌让人为之捧腹,也让人觉得仿佛置身大圣的洞天府第。 猪的行为有的生来就有,如觅食、母猪哺乳和性的行为,有的则是后天发生的,如学会识别某些事物和听从人们指挥的行为等,后天获得的行为称条件反射行为,或称后效行为。后效行为是猪生后对新鲜事物的熟悉而逐渐建立起来的。猪对吃、喝 的记忆力强,它对饲喂的有关工具、食槽、饮水槽及其方位等,最易建立起条件反射,例如:小猪在人工哺乳时,每天定时饲喂,只要按时给以笛声或铃声或饲喂用具的敲打声,训练几次,即可听从信号指挥,到指定地点吃食。由此说明,猪有后效行为,猪通过任何训练,都可以建立起后效行为的反应,听从人的指挥,达到提 高生产效率的目的。 车厢板设备是指用于电动三轮车、电动四轮车、货车等尾部车厢所用的挡板加工设备。是一台可以实现将带钢(或卷板)连续通过车厢板冷弯设备变型后达到不同客户所需板材需求的设备。客户大多对版型的新颖性要求比较高,车厢板设备上面的轧辊设备就是我们的技术核心了,科学合理的设计理念可以使得金属薄板成型后很好的去除应力,是型材端口的会弹尽可能的得到控制,保证车厢板的使用性能。另外,我们在设备上配套了焊接设备(点焊或滚焊),同时在线完成了焊接的工艺,奥腾冷弯机械,高精度车厢板,华夏玻璃网,潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司,提高了效率并节省了仍供成本。 The carriage plate equipment is used for electric tricycle, electric vehicle with four wheels, trucks and other equipment used in the processing of baffle tail cars. One can realize the strip (or sheet) through continuous carriage plate cold equipment variant after reaching the required material needs of different customers. Customers of large equipment version of the new requirements high roller equipment compartment plate equipment above is the core of our technology, scientific and reasonable design can be made in sheet metal forming well after the removal of stress, that the section port can play as much as possible under control, to ensure the use of performance car plates. In addition, we are supporting the welding equipment in equipment (spot welding or roll At the same time, online welding) completed the welding process, improve the efficiency and save the cost for still. 潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司制造的车厢板设备性能稳定,操作简单,结构强固。从原材料加工到设备组装,都有着及其苛刻的标准。多年来长期与江苏宗申、淮海车辆、隆鑫机车、大运、大阳等国内几百家大小型企业长久合作。设备的优异性能一直受到客户的高度认可。我们在为客户制造新版型加工设备的同时,同时凭借多年的技术实力研发新的车厢板版型,为客户定型提供更多的选择。同时我们也有与之配套的边框(裙边)生产设备、托底梁生产设备、安全架生产设备等专用设备,为客户节省人力成本提供了更多的辅助。 The equipment performance car plate manufacturing Machinery Co. Ltd. Weifang aoteng cold bending stability, simple operation, strong structure. From the processing of raw materials into the equipment assembly, with its demanding standards. Over the years long and Jiangsu Zongshen, Huaihai vehicle, LONCIN motorcycle, Dayang of Universiade, hundreds of large and small enterprises long-term cooperation. The performance has been highly recognized by the customers. We are manufacturing new type processing equipment for customers at the same time, at the same time with the technical strength of many years of research and development of new type car plate, to provide customers with more choices and shaping. And we also have the frame with matching (Qun Bian) production equipment, production of underpinning beam set Preparation of special equipment safety frame production equipment, to provide more aid for customers to save manpower cost. 潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司车厢板设备性能特点: 1.根据客户板型合理设计轧辊模具,合理布局; 2.设备可以在线完成冲孔工艺,避免二次加工; 3.成型后双边自动点焊(滚焊),可单独控制,并且与辊压成型速度匹配,焊点均匀美观,且牢固耐用; 4.气动挡板定尺机构配合飞锯可实现任意长度切割,定数准确,调整简单; 5.操作人员需一人; 技术参数: 1.生产速度0—3米/min可调。 2.整线PLC控制,变频调速。 3.不停机切断,长度可调(手动或自动定尺)。 工艺流程: 上料(人工) —板料校平—伺服送料液压冲孔—冷弯成型—双边自动点(滚)焊—型材校直—飞锯切割—卸料(人工) Weifang aoteng Cold Bending Machinery Co. Ltd. carriage plate equipment performance characteristics: 1. according to the customer type reasonable design mold, reasonable layout; 2. equipment can be completed online punching process, to avoid the two processing; 3., after the formation of bilateral automatic spot welding (roll welding), can be controlled separately, and with the roll forming speed matching, solder joints uniform and beautiful, and firm and durable; 4. the pneumatic baffle gauge setting mechanism and the flying saw can realize cutting at any length. The number is accurate and the adjustment is simple; 5. operators need a man; Technical parameters: 1. production speed 0 - 3 meters, /min adjustable
PLC control, 2. line frequency. 3. don"t stop cutting, adjustable length (manual or automatic length). Technological process: Feeding (artificial) - plate smoothing - servo feeding hydraulic punching and forming - bilateral automatic (rolling) welding - profile alignment - flying saw cutting and unloading (manual)





联系人:曹 经理
