
产品名称: 边梁生产设备








  电工电器国家相关部门分析认为,今明两年我国电力供需形势仍很严峻。尽管前几年国家下决心支持城乡电网改造,但仍然难以满足局部地区电力需求高速增长的需要。不少城市的配电设施长期超负荷运行,经常引发故障,也制约了电力供应。为了缓解电力紧张,确保供电安全,国家有关部门计划今年至“十一五”期间,年均新增发电设备装机容量约3000万-3200万千瓦;每年新上跨区送电的50万伏以上的交流输变电线路3至4条,50万伏直流输电设备1至2条;再加上部分企业迫于成本压力而新上自备电厂以平抑电价等,今明两年电工电器行业又将迎来一次新的发展机遇。   QDB系列配电监测智能无功补偿一体化控制器采用了国内领先技术和最先进的电子元器件,具有多种功能。这种产品在无功补偿功能方面,可对无功功率进行精确补偿,对多种触点输出进行选择,具有自动和手动切换功能。为了使电容器的投切及电力系统更安全,这种产品具有过电压保护、欠电压保护、缺相保护、谐波电压超值保护功能。该产品可利用数据采集卡一次采集120天整点数据、统计数据及每15分钟的有功功率和无功功率,通过数据转发器将数据传送后台管理系统,生成各种报表及曲线,为电能质量分析提供依据。该产品还具有实时通讯功能,可提供实时数据显示,包括三相电压、三相电流、有功功率、无功功率、三相谐波电压总畸变率等。   现今的产品智能电子照明控制系统是一个完全的模块化的单一总线控制系统,总线网络DyNet多采用RS485通信协议和X10协议,数据传输率多为9600波特,照明控制器模块化设计结构的产品,可分散安装在各控制现场临近的配电间,每个单独的网络可控制多达255个控制区域,每个区域可控制多达255条逻辑通道(回路),网络容量更大的DyNet-2总线速率达11520波特,每一单独网可控65535个区,每区可控65535条逻辑通道,DyNet的网络结构的特点是灵活性很大,可以用于小到一间房间的照明控制,大到一个多建筑群的控制,通过智能网桥将许多子网络互相连接成一个大型的分布式控制系统网络,这些智能控制系统的安装、修改、扩展比较简单方便,因而受到用户和工程商的普遍欢迎。 立体车库边梁生产设备已经广泛的应用于市场中,业内人士可能非常了解,边梁加工最早是由折弯机和冲床组合制造的。当然,目前也有很多的边梁是通过这种工艺制作的。为适应社会发展,提高科技生产力,潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司生产的立体车库边梁设备实现了在线成型、冲孔、切断功能。大大的提高的生产力、市场认可度良好。目前有潍坊奥腾冷弯制造的立体车库边梁设备市场占有率约85%左右。 The stereo garage side beam production equipment has been widely used in the market, the industry may very well, the earliest processing edge beam is made by bending machines and punch combination. Of course, there are also many of the side beam is produced by this process. In order to adapt to the social development, improve the productivity of science and technology, Weifang aoter stereo garage Cold Bending Machinery Co. Ltd. the production equipment to realize the on-line edge beam forming, punching, cutting function. Greatly improve the productivity, market acceptance is good. There are currently three-dimensional garage manufacturing Weifang aoteng cold bending edge beam equipment market share of about 85%. 潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司边梁设备技术参数:全自动运行生产,操作简单。大大的降低了管理成本。生产线长度50米,整机功率约80KW;通过调整可满足不同规格边梁型材轧制,实现一机多用 ;生产速度0—4米/min可调;数控冲油缸频率每秒钟一次以上;数控冲运动型CAD柔性控制,可电脑编程,在线输入、加工,有记忆功能;主机PLC控制,彩色触摸屏可直接输入数据,控制主机动作等等;详细了解请致电我们! Weifang aoteng Cold Bending Machinery Co. Ltd. edge beam equipment technical parameters: full automatic production, simple operation. Greatly reduces the cost of management. The production line length of 50 meters, the power is about 80KW; through the adjustment can meet the different specifications of edge beam profile rolling, to achieve a multi-purpose machine; the production speed of 0 - 4 meters /min adjustable cylinder; CNC punching frequency of once per second; flexible motion control type CAD CNC punching, computer programming, online input, processing, memory function; host PLC control, color touch screen can be directly input data, control the host movements and so on; details please contact us! 边梁设备的工艺流程: 开卷机上料 —板料校平送料—伺服送料数控冲孔(7中孔型)—冷弯成型—型材校直—测孔定尺—液压自动切断—卸料→转入下一道工序 边梁的性能特点:操作仅需一人即可实现,冷弯成型道次布局及设备结构设计科学合理,对带钢软硬程度适应范围广,轧制过程中不会产生波纹、撕裂现象;通过伺服控制,结合高速液压冲孔机构,采用带钢冲孔,然后再连续冷弯轧制,能够按照要求冲孔及冲口,奥腾冷弯机械,立体车库边梁滚压设备,华夏玻璃网,潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司,奥腾冷弯机械,立体车库边梁滚压设备,华夏玻璃网,潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司,并保证尺寸精确度;且生产率高;布局合理,冲孔前后缓冲装置,伺服送料冲孔、冷弯成型、液压切断不停机,提高生产效率; The technological process of side beam equipment:
Uncoiling, feeding, leveling, feeding, servo feeding, CNC punching (7 pass) - cold forming - profile alignment - measuring hole sizing - hydraulic automatic cutting - unloading - transfer to the next process The performance characteristics of side beam: only one person to operate can be realized, forming a layout and equipment structure design is scientific and reasonable, to adapt to a wide range of degree of soft strip, corrugated, does not produce in the process of rolling the tearing phenomenon; through servo control, combined with high speed hydraulic punching machine structure, using strip punching, then continuous cold rolling can, in accordance with the requirements of punching and punching, and ensure dimensional accuracy; and high productivity; reasonable layout, punching and buffering device, servo feeding punching, roll forming, hydraulic cutting machine, improve production efficiency;





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