
产品名称: 抗震支架设备








梁世民养鸽是从去年10月开始的。他投资3万多元从河北、广东购进200多对美国王鸽及相应的鸽笼、水槽、食槽等,又多方求教及买养鸽书籍学习养鸽技术。功夫不负有心人,经过半年的饲养他育出商品鸽2000多只,净赚1.5万多元。今年2月,商品鸽价徒然下跌,由原来一只10元降到每只5元,许多养鸽户纷纷转卖了鸽子,梁世民却没有放弃。经过潜心钻研他采用降低鸽子的饲料成本等措施补救,将养鸽所需的饲料、玉米、小麦等全部自种自用,又将鸽粪发酵后养鱼,实行废物利用,增加了产值。这样一来,他养每只商品鸽的实际成本降到2元,每只鸽能净赚3元。在鸽价低迷的两个多月中,他养鸽减价不减收。 猪的行为有的生来就有,如觅食、母猪哺乳和性的行为,有的则是后天发生的,如学会识别某些事物和听从人们指挥的行为等,后天获得的行为称条件反射行为,或称后效行为。后效行为是猪生后对新鲜事物的熟悉而逐渐建立起来的。猪对吃、喝 的记忆力强,它对饲喂的有关工具、食槽、饮水槽及其方位等,最易建立起条件反射,例如:小猪在人工哺乳时,每天定时饲喂,奥腾冷弯机械,抗震支架滚压成型线厂家,华夏玻璃网,潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司,只要按时给以笛声或铃声或饲喂用具的敲打声,训练几次,即可听从信号指挥,到指定地点吃食。由此说明,猪有后效行为,猪通过任何训练,都可以建立起后效行为的反应,听从人的指挥,达到提 高生产效率的目的。   经过多年发展,嘉峪关市装备制造业已经涵盖了金属制造业、普通机械制造业、专用设备制造业、交通运输设备制造业、电气机械、器材制造及新能源装备制造等领域。冶金设备、机械配件、铸造件、锻造件、电镀产品、钢结构件、冶金轧辊、胶辊、太阳能光伏支架等产品已成为嘉峪关市装备制造企业的主要产品。截至2013年上半年,嘉峪关市重点装备制造企业达到18户,其中规模以上装备制造企业6户。2013年上半年,嘉峪关市装备制造企业累计完成产值14.39亿,同比增加18.7%;实现销售收入约28亿元,同比增长73.7%。装备制造业综合实力位居河西地区前列,已成为全市工业发展的重要支撑。 实用新型抗震支架冷弯成型设备生产厂商-潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司。公司自1998年开始从事冷弯成型设备的研发、制造。2003年正式挂牌营业,目前公司拥有高级工程师8名,专业工程师10名,强大的技术团队通过不断的研发、创新,目前已经为多个行业解决了型材加工成本高的难题。为适应市场需求,公司凭借丰富的设计经验目前研发的抗震支架设备已经达到成熟应用的状态。 The utility model seismic support roll forming equipment manufacturers - Weifang aoteng Cold Bending Machinery Co. Ltd.. The company began to develop in cold forming equipment since 1998, making.2003 officially open, the company currently has 8 senior engineers, 10 professional engineers, strong technical team through continuous research and development, and currently has more than hearing, an industry to solve the problem of high cost profile processing. In order to meet the market demand, the company with rich experience in the design of seismic support equipment at present research has reached the mature application state. 抗震支架冷弯成型设备工艺流程: 上料—板料校平—冲孔—冷弯成型—型材校直—测孔定尺—自动切断—卸料。 性能特点: 跟踪切断,实现不停机连续出料,采用牌坊式架构,机组运行更加稳定,自动化程度高,降低人工运营成本;整线PLC控制,变频调速,各运动部件协调一致,实现效率最大化;操作人员仅需1-2人接料即可; Technological process of cold forming equipment for anti-seismic support:
Feeding - plate leveling punching cold forming - profile straightening - hole sizing - automatic cutting - unloading Performance characteristics:
Tracking cut, realize non continuous discharge, the arch structure, operation of unit is more stable, high degree of automation, reduce operating costs; control the whole line, PLC frequency control, all moving parts coordinated to maximize efficiency; the operator is only 1-2 people can meet the material; 抗震支架成型设备机身部分是本轧机的主体,其余组成部分均装在本机身上,为钢焊接结构,均采用方管和钢板焊接而成,焊接完成后均去应力处理。各连接面、安装面精加工且安装面加工有定位键槽,定位精确,安装方便,保证各组轧机主轴之间的平行度及 与轧制中心线的垂直度。 牌坊组件是本机的主要工作部分,共有20架,自前至后依次安装固定在机身上。本组件主要由前后牌坊架、上下主轴、上横梁、上轴升降调节丝杆、前后轴承支座及主轴轴承等组成。后牌坊架固定在机身上,奥腾冷弯机械,抗震支架滚压成型线厂家,华夏玻璃网,潍坊奥腾冷弯机械有限公司,是上下主轴的支持基准;前牌坊可拆卸,方便更换装配轧辊。上下主轴通过轴承安装在轴承支座上,轴承支座可沿牌坊窗口的导向面通过调节丝杆带动调节上下轴间的距离以适用不同直径轧辊的安装。上下主轴是ф85mm的40Cr圆钢加工而成。 Seismic frame molding equipment is the main body part of the mill, the other part are installed in the machine body, steel welded structure, adopts square tube and welded steel plate after welding are stress. The connecting surface mounting surface finishing and mounting surface processing positioning keyway, accurate positioning between the groups, convenient installation, parallelism and spindle mill and the rolling centre line to ensure the verticality. The arch component is the main work of the machine part, a total of 20 frame, from front to back in turn mounted on the fuselage. This component is composed of front and rear frame, on the spindle, the upper beam, on the shaft of the lifting adjusting screw rod, and bearing and spindle bearings and other components. After the frame is fixed on the machine that is on the spindle support base; before the arch removable, convenient replacement. On the spindle assembly roller bearings installed in the supporting seat through a bearing, bearing guide surface along the arch window by adjusting screw to drive adjusting the distance between the upper and lower shaft for roller of different diameter on 40Cr spindle is installed. The 85mm diameter of round steel. .





联系人:曹 经理
