
产品名称: 耐水解TPU420








正品as420联系方式-as-626sl供应厂家-上海嘉瑞化工有限公司 如下:  COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2015/1040 of 30 June 2015  amending Annexes II, III and V to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards maximum residue levels for azoxystrobin, dimoxystrobin, fluroxypyr, methoxyfenozide, metrafenone, oxadiargyl and tribenuron in or on certain products  THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION,  Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,  Having regard to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC (1), and in particular Article 14(1)(a), Article 18(1)(b) and Article 49(2) thereof.   国家发展改革委2007年9月22日第60号公告批准发布64项化工行业标准,其中涉及染料行业11项,自2008年4月1日起实施。序号标准编号标准名称代替标准采标情况实施日期1HG/T3988-2007高温匀染剂ALS2008-04-012HG/T2280-2007色酚AS-GHG/T2280-19922008-04-013HG/T3989-2007间苯二酚(1,3-苯二酚)2008-04-014HG/T3990-2007荧光增白剂BA(C.I.荧光增白剂113)2008-04-015HG/T2896-2007硫化深蓝3RB(C.I.硫化蓝7)HG/T2896-19972008-04-016HG/T3991-2007酸性艳黄4GL(C.I.酸性黄49)2008-04-017HG/T3992-2007酸性红5BL(C.I.酸性红361)2008-04-018HG/T3993-2007酸性深蓝NM-BRL(C.I.酸性蓝193)2008-04-019HG/T3994-2007酸性艳蓝P-4RL(C.I.酸性蓝260)2008-04-0110HG/T3995-2007酸性深红NM-4BRL(C.I.酸性紫90)2008-04-0111HG/T2551-2007阳离子荧光红X-R(C.I.碱性红14)HG/T2551-19932008-04-01 适用于超慢结晶PU胶黏剂,冷贴胶,耐水解,剥离强度高,开放时间长胶水TPU,活化温度低TPU,耐黄变TPU胶粒,木塑复合胶tpu,家具包边胶黏剂TPU,慢结晶TPU,冷粘型胶黏剂PU粒子,易溶解型TPU,台湾欣顺巴斯夫AS-420。 产 品 说 明 书
Product information 1. 品 名: AS-420 2. 外 观: 白色颗粒 3. 用途及使用方法: PU adhesive,各种材质接著剂,如TPE、PVC、 PU、布、真皮等。不黄变PU adhesive,搅拌溶于MEK,Acetone或EAC中,及TOL稀释之, 此混合液直接当PU接著剂使用。 4. 特 性: A.使用不黄变原料,耐黄变性极佳 B.对各种材质具有优秀接著力 C.初期接著力佳 D.耐水解性佳 E.可单独使用,亦可与架桥剂配合使用 F.低温流动性佳 G.结晶速度很慢 5. 黏 度: 固成份15%,溶剂MEK,25℃,1600~2200CPS,以TOL或EAC代替部份MEK时,可提高黏度。 6. 包 装: 25kg 多层纸袋 7. 保 存 期 限: 1年以上,于阴凉处 适用于超慢结晶PU胶黏剂,冷贴胶,耐水解,剥离强度高,开放时间长胶水TPU,活化温度低TPU,耐黄变TPU胶粒,木塑复合胶tpu,家具包边胶黏剂TPU,慢结晶TPU,冷粘型胶黏剂PU粒子,易溶解型TPU,台湾欣顺巴斯夫AS-420。 产 品 说 明 书 Product information 1. 品 名: AS-420 2. 外 观: 白色颗粒 3. 用途及使用方法: PU adhesive,各种材质接著剂,如TPE、PVC、 PU、布、真皮等。不黄变PU adhesive,搅拌溶于MEK,Acetone或EAC中,及TOL稀释之, 此混合液直接当PU接著剂使用。 4. 特 性: A.使用不黄变原料,耐黄变性极佳 B.对各种材质具有优秀接著力 C.初期接著力佳 D.耐水解性佳 E.可单独使用,亦可与架桥剂配合使用 F.低温流动性佳 G.结晶速度很慢 5. 黏 度: 固成份15%,溶剂MEK,25℃,1600~2200CPS,以TOL或EAC代替部份MEK时,可提高黏度。 6. 包 装: 25kg 多层纸袋 7. 保 存 期 限: 1年以上,于阴凉处 适用于超慢结晶PU胶黏剂,冷贴胶,耐水解,剥离强度高,开放时间长胶水TPU,活化温度低TPU,耐黄变TPU胶粒,木塑复合胶tpu,家具包边胶黏剂TPU,慢结晶TPU,冷粘型胶黏剂PU粒子,易溶解型TPU,台湾欣顺巴斯夫AS-420。   Fundamental of Forensic Science Analysis is studying subjects related with the Forensics Science. -Method of preventing contamination and damage caused by circumstance and time terms during collecting evidence in the crime scene. -Method of preventing classification error and record error during collecting the evidence -Forensic Science is that collected evidence takes nondestructive inspection using the naked eye, magnifying glass first. after which it make a photo shot. Depending on cases, quality and quantity to inspect using analysis machinery such as a chromatographic equipment, FITR equipment. -Territory of Forensics Science is as follows that Trace evidence(fabric, soil, grass, paint), DNA, chemical substance, toxicology, drugs, bloodstain pattern analysis, Tool mark, Fingerprint, Footprint, Voiceprint, handwriting and stamp image, pictures and video image. Credit:3 .上海嘉瑞化工有限公司___正品as420联系方式-as-626sl供应厂家-上海嘉瑞化工有限公司





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